The Akashic Academy Blog
The Akashic Academy is a place for people who are making spiritual growth a priority. Make your spiritual growth a priority. Peace, Love & Joy.
Can Superpowers Backfire?
Today I want to fearlessly share my superpower with you. Although, I’ll warn you, this superpower used to backfire on me before I understood it. I don’t see what is, I see what is possible. This backfired on me as a kid, when I made a decision to jump down my home...
What I'll Take a Fearless Stand For
Who is the real me? The real me wakes up the morning after a long weekend conference to a sick kid, then preps to lead a powerful workshop on finding soul direction. The real me goes above and beyond to make the aforementioned sick kid an awesome lunch, even though...
How Being Extremely Niche Allows Me to Change the World
I’ve spent a lot of time (front row) at leadership conferences and business training events the last three years…mostly learning, but every now and then I take the stage myself. 😉 You know what baffles my colleagues everytime? The “niche-i-city”, or “niche-o-city” or...
Akashic Academy Founder Featured On Cover Of Spiritual Biz Magazine
Welcome everybody, welcome to Spiritual Biz Chat for Spiritual Biz Magazine, and today we have joining us Emily Harrison, a mentor to Visionaries and Thought Leaders in the realm of the Akashic Records. Welcome, Emily, thank you for being with us, how are you doing...
How This Psychic Mom Handles Puberty
The signs have been present for a few months now..So, I do what I always do, when I don’t know what to do. I open my own Akashic Records and I ask for guidance
How I Rescued My Daughter from an Abusive Relationship
It wasn’t until my mentors called me into an upgrade with my processing, that I sorted myself out. I needed the reminder that if things truly “should’ve been different” they would have been.
How I Got to Harvard
My road to Harvard wasn’t one bricked in yellow—rather my road was littered with bones and remnants of the dead.
I know, you’re double checking the author line to see if Emily wrote this. This opening line is NOT our usual Pollyanna of a Leader. This person sounds like a reincarnation of Edgar Allen Poe.
Can the Science of Quantum Theory Explain Enlightenment?
In quantum theory, the scientific field which studies physical attributes at the smallest scales imaginable—and unimaginable—everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, in its basic state, is vibration and energy
Want to re-establish your energy frequency to its prime working capacity?
Take the 1 on 1 60 day Akashic Recalibration under the mentorship of Emily Harrison.